After the high-profile cancellation of Sálvame, many viewers were awaiting the relationship between Mediaset and its production company, La Fábrica de la Tele. As published today by Semana, Telecinco will continue to rely on this company for new projects.

In fact, the chain has already communicated to those responsible for the production company that they will be in charge of launching new formats of a cut similar to that of Sálvame in the near future.

The same magazine Semana has been able to count on the testimony of several members of the La Fábrica de la Tele team who have been relieved after this news. “It has been a balm for everyone. These days there were already people putting their resumes on other programs on the network. It was not known what future we were going to have, but it seemed quite uncertain”, declared an unidentified worker.

Another of the rumors circulating in the last few hours is that Mediaset España had vetoed Sálvame’s current collaborators so that they cannot work on any other program that is broadcast in the afternoons on Telecinco.

La Vanguardia has had access to sources close to the chain who confirm that it is a hoax and that Mediaset España has not prohibited workers from La Fábrica de la Tele from being hired by other production companies.

After the departure of Paolo Vasile, Mediaset España is in the process of making a structural change to give a new “more familiar” focus to its channels, with the aim of recovering the good audience data they had a few months ago.

Finally, it seems that La Fábrica de la Tele will be part of these plans, even if it is with new proposals different from those we have known so far.