Mediaset gives a 180 degree turn to its sports information starting next season. The communication group has decided to end the sports sections of its two main chains, putting an end to historical brands such as Deportes Cuatro, and unifying them under a common name for the entire corporation: El desmarque.

This is the same title as the web page dedicated to sports information owned by Mediaset. The group’s objective is to use a single brand for everything related to the world of sports, both on its television channels and through the Internet and social networks. The arrival of El desmarque also brings with it a series of important novelties.

One of the changes announced by the corporation is the extension of the time dedicated on the air to sports information. After the successive reductions in the grid that Deportes Cuatro has experienced over the last few seasons, the chain’s sports space regains prominence in its noon edition, with the incorporation of the journalist Lucía Taboada together with Luis García.

Ricardo Reyes will be in charge of the daily evening broadcast, while Joseba Larrañaga signs for Mediaset to present El desmarque on weekends. At night, Cuatro will offer El desmarque de medianoche, a much longer program that will feature a sports analysis gathering.

Another novelty included in this unification of brands will be the arrival of Manu Carreño at Telecinco. The presenter, linked to Cuatro since 2006, will present sports information on the main Mediaset channel both at noon and in its night edition. For his part, Matías Prats Chacón continues on weekends.

In addition to television information, El desmarque will also be the brand that is present on the internet and the different platforms. In this sense, it includes the premiere of a channel on Twitch that will feature the presentation of the journalist Raúl Jimeno, better known as Menottinto.