Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire is the latest installment of the legendary comedy and science fiction franchise, which started in 1984. The first film, directed by Ivan Reitman and starring Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Sigourney Weaver, became a phenomenon masses worldwide. After a sequel and several attempts to restart the saga, Afterlife in 2021 laid the foundations for this new and long-awaited film.

During this last week, three of its protagonists have appeared in Spain with the intention of presenting it. Paul Ruud, McKenna Grace and Finn Wolfhard have made a complete journey that culminated tonight in El Hormiguero, the Antena 3 nighttime program presented by Pablo Motos. The triple interview has dealt with various aspects of the film and the filming, but one detail in particular has left a standout moment.

After a commercial break, Grace offered the presenter a gift, which included a message written in English. It was a small Marshmallow doll, also known as The Marshmallow Man. The thanks in English has encouraged Motos to read it directly, without the need for translations. Reading it has drawn applause among his guests and also on the set of San Sebastián de los Reyes.

“Pablo, thank you very much for having me on your program. It is an honor, I love Spain and I hope to return and work together again. Thank you very much,” the card said. The simultaneous translation of Motos, as well as his effort to read it directly in English, has also raised some doubts in the team around him. Trancas and Barrancas showed certain reservations, while Grace assured that her English would be much worse.

Back to the film, the pressure to continue with the franchise after almost 40 years away was very latent. “There is a moment when you have to stop thinking about it because it weakens you so much. You can only trust that all the pieces align to achieve a good final result. It’s already miraculous to make a movie, the actor just has to cross his fingers and immerse himself in the role. The rest is outside of his control,” explained Ruud in an interview for El País.

Despite this, the work done on Afterlife was successful enough to launch a sequel. A fact that only reiterates Grace and Wolfhard as the next generation of Ghostbusters. “I’ve been with this character for five years and I still don’t believe it. I have always been a big fan, I dressed up for Halloween when I was 11 years old, I had a lot of t-shirts, it’s crazy to be here,” explained the performer from Grapevine, Texas.