Marta Riesco, the former Mediaset reporter, continues to face challenges in her personal and professional life after her breakup with Antonio David. Despite her efforts to readjust, the young woman has experienced particularly difficult months, marked by searching for employment and facing her new reality.

In an attempt to regain control of her career, Marta took to social media to share her anguish and desire to return to television, a passion that has marked the last 15 years of her life. “To all of you who give me your love, thank you. The only thing I ask is to go back to work on what I have been doing for 15 years. I hope that the rest of the networks, programs, presenters value the work I have been developing and give me the opportunity to do it again,” said the former reporter.

His desperation and questions towards the television industry were evident in his words: “I only ask for a JOB. In addition to all this hell that I had to live through, the phone has not rang once to return to my profession. And I wonder: why “What? Where is the sorority? Where are the professional colleagues who tell me that they admire me and want me to win by giving me an opportunity? Why this fear?”

After sharing her thoughts, Marta Riesco experienced a distressing night in which she lost her voice and experienced difficulty breathing. Worried about her health, she decided to go to the emergency room at the hospital. Through his social networks, he informed his followers about the situation: “Guys, I’m here because of my throat. Luckily, I haven’t been here for a long time because of other issues… Yesterday I lost my voice and today I was already drowning. Between “That and it’s hard for me to breathe, because I preferred to come here to have them tell me what I have and have them send me something stronger.”

Despite the concern generated, Marta Riesco shared a reassuring message to her followers after receiving medical attention: “I love you.” Uncertainty about her health and her professional future persists, leaving her followers waiting for updates on her situation.