Marta Riesco is one of the most popular television faces today. The journalist has not passed her best stage these months ago, after her unexpected dismissal from Mediaset and her controversial break with Antonio David Flores. Now, that bad streak is part of the past, but the reporter wanted to be honest about how she experienced some of the worst moments of her life.

The journalist has just released her new column in the Ibero Show, where she wanted to be completely honest about mourning the loss of her grandmother, the loss of her job and a complicated family situation that led her to suffer from severe depression.

According to the journalist on the portal, her grandmother was one of the most important people in her life. “My grandmother was the person I laughed the most with, I grew up with her and with my grandfather,” she began by saying. ”My grandmother was a special being, and it’s not because I said so, it’s that she really was,” she added. And it is that the connection he had with her was very special, so the loss of her was a hard blow for the reporter.

”I couldn’t get over it, I would wake up crying, I would go to bed crying. All day crying for months,” he claimed. The loss of her grandmother was also compounded by not having a job, which triggered a situation of emotional instability, from which the journalist did not know how to get out of it. ”I stopped doing everyday things out of fear. I stopped taking the subway, the train, the elevator, any enclosed space terrified me,” she asserted.

”He had hit rock bottom for the first time in his life,” Riesco said. Even the journalist with tears in her eyes rejected her to take a luxurious trip with her mother. A situation that caused both of them to understand that the journalist had to go to the doctor. After the visit to the psychiatrist, the journalist was diagnosed with severe depression, something that was not a tasteful dish for the reporter, who assured that at first she did not want to take pills because simply “it was a bad time.” .

Despite her initial rejection, the journalist decided to take the pills for the first time. ”There I was, 28 years old, and jobless, living with a mother who was also unemployed and grieving my beloved grandmother,” she declared.

”It was my first diagnosed depression. I gained 15 kilos on junk food, I didn’t recognize myself in the mirror and I felt like a complete human wreckage who wandered through life without pain or glory, I didn’t want to live or die, I didn’t want anything,” affirmed.