A new installment of Lo de Évole has landed on laSexta. On this occasion, the Catalan journalist has interviewed the singer María del Monte. The artist has given her most sincere interview to Jordi Évole and has opened up on the channel about the moment in which she took the step of presenting Inmaculada Casal as her partner on the day of the LGTBI Pride proclamation.

On the other hand, María del Monte has also spoken about her relationship with Isabel Pantoja. It should be noted that the artist has explained to Évole that she has been offered large amounts of money in exchange for revealing details of her private life: “They offered me a lot of money, up to 300,000 euros,” she has assured.

“I want you to know before I get off here that I am one more person than those of us here. And that, of course, my partner is here this afternoon. I have been lucky to find the love of my life. I have a family and I have been here for 23 years protecting her”. With these words, María del Monte made history at the LGTBI party in Seville.

“I have never had weight, my inner circle and my family have always known my sexuality. But to be honest, it is true that many of the people we have met after that day have addressed her knowing who she is” , explained María del Monte under the watchful eye of Jordi Évole at the beginning of her interview.

On the other hand, María del Monte has also spoken about Isabel Pantoja. “Why do you think that hypothetical relationship that you and Isabel Pantoja could have aroused so much morbidity?” Jordi Évole asked the artist. “I think the objective was rather Isabel, but splashes of that story came to me,” the artist acknowledged.

“I took it regularly. Until then I lived with absolute ignorance of what that was (pink press). It is true that I had recorded many records and they had bought me, but never in my life had I had a photographer persecuting me. I came to know that situation to unsuspected limits”, commented María del Monte.

The artist has confessed that the harassment she received before her possible relationship with Isabel Pantoja changed her tranquility and freedom: “When someone is punished, they are deprived of their freedom. Why did they have to receive the punishment of not having freedom if they did not had he done anything?”, he asked himself.

Del Monte explained to Évole that they have offered him large sums of money in exchange for revealing details of that private life that he has kept secret at all times: “They offered me a lot of money, up to 300,000 euros; I have given up a lot of money”, he has insured.