Albert Rivera continues to be at the center of the media focus, after in recent weeks he has been photographed on the island of Eivissa with two different women in a rather affectionate attitude. The former politician was first linked to the actress Aysha Daraaui, after spending several days with a group of friends on the Pitiusa island.

But the sentimental life of the former Ciudadanos leader took a one hundred and eighty degree turn a week later, after new images were made public, in which he appeared kissing a woman who had nothing to do with the actress. On this occasion, the mysterious woman in the new photographs was the Madrid businesswoman Carla Cotterli.

As a result of this new information, a multitude of rumors and speculations have circulated around Albert Rivera. A media pressure that is not to the taste of the ex-politician, as he has well stated on many occasions. At the moment, the alleged romance between Albert Rivera and Carla Cotterli is still up in the air, and part of Rivera’s entourage has stated that they are far from being a couple and that they were just getting to know each other.

Who also did not want to miss the opportunity to give their opinion and ignore the controversy has been Malú herself and her entourage. The artist explained briefly in an interview with ELLE magazine that the reason for her breakup had not been third parties. ”I am not nor will I be the first nor the last person to be separated,” she declared.

In addition, it seems that the singer and the former politician can boast of continuing to maintain a cordial relationship, since this past Sunday, Malú wanted to wrap up her ex-partner in the funeral home, after the sudden death of the father of the former leader of Ciudadanos, Agustín Rivera, due to a coronary complication.

This same Monday, new statements by the singer’s father, Pepe de Lucía, have come to light, in which he gave his opinion on the recent headlines that Albert Rivera had starred in, along with Aysha Daraaui and Carla Cotterli. Despite confessing that this was a subject that he did not want to touch on, Pepe de Lucía assured that his ex-son-in-law has the right to rebuild his life.

“We all have the right to be happy and live our lives,” he declared hours before learning of the sudden death of Albert Rivera’s father at the age of 71.