Each type of face has particularities that make it unique, with facial features that distinguish it from the rest, even if it shares certain characteristics with others that have the same silhouette. And this is a very relevant factor when it comes to makeup, since it greatly influences how it should be done. Makeup for big eyes is not the same as for small ones. In the same way that certain variations are made when treating a triangular face and a square one. Just as happens in the case of round faces.

What exactly is meant by a round face? These types of faces have a series of attributes that make them easily distinguishable. One of them, and the most obvious, has to do with the cheekbones, because the face appears wider in this area. Additionally, another way to identify round faces is by looking at the chin, since it will usually be rounded. And, since neither the chin nor the forehead are very long, the face shape could be described as short.

Round faces present a series of needs related to makeup, as long as you want to take advantage of their virtues and achieve the most flattering look possible. To achieve this, the key is to find a good balance through some very simple tricks, but which will make a difference in terms of the finish.