Mario Vaquerizo has become the protagonist of multiple controversies in recent months. The Nancys Rubias singer and romantic partner from Alaska has filled social networks with negative comments against him, particularly for wearing Spanish Legion t-shirts. The last instance occurred last Thursday in TardeAR, when he declared that he was “in favor of pollution” due to the changes to automobile circulation in Madrid Central.

“I am in favor of pollution, we are not Heidi in the field. How am I going to walk from Vicálvaro, where my parents live, to Gran Vía, where I live. How am I going to go? Cycling? It can’t be, I’ll have to go in a car. And since in Madrid Central they have removed the lanes, there is more traffic jam and the more traffic jam there is, the more smoke there is and the more pollution,” she declared. Some words that have reached the ears of the environmental organization Greenpeace.

The activists have echoed Vaquerizo’s intervention and have reacted to it with a unique message from X (Twitter). “September 2023 has been the hottest on the planet since records began. The same day: ‘I am in favor of pollution’ (laughter and applause)”, read the publication’s writing, accompanied by her statements. These were superimposed on images of traffic jams, floods, fires and serious signs of drought.

X’s message has accumulated nearly 60,000 views since it was published this Friday morning. Likewise, it has been filled with reactions that raised a cry for the singer’s statements: “How much damage these useless people do! Messages like this, launched at prime time and with clappers laughing at him. Now, let’s protest because it’s still 40º in October, because it’s not raining, because there are no harvests, because the price of basic products is rising…

One of the notable comments has pointed out an alternative to the hypothetical trip that Vaquerizo exposed in TardeAR. “The sad thing is that you don’t know that from Sol to Vicálvaro there are trains from 5:30 in the morning, with a frequency of 7 minutes and that only take about twenty minutes. “It’s better not to comment on the rest of the arguments…”, expressed one user, sharing the Madrid Cercanías schedule template and the steps to follow, including a transfer in Atocha.

“The worst thing is not that this character says what he says. The worst thing is that none of those around him dot the ‘i’s of Ignorants. On the contrary, they applaud him and laugh… he really is vomitous,” added another response. “This character thinks he’s funny, but what he does is embarrass others. Climate change is something real and very serious, which will affect future generations,” expressed an additional comment.