She is now a remarried woman with four stepchildren and continues to be a role model for civility in the area of logins and exes.

The Coral Springs native, 41, was not married to her first husband. They didn’t have children, much money, or a house. They did have subscriptions to Netflix, Hulu and other streaming services.

“We each paid for one and shared the cost of the other. Taffel stated that this was our actual divorce agreement. It was written in that exact spot. We’re still doing it.”

Although Sam was her boyfriend, their relationship ended three years later. They maintained close ties, shared logins, joint custody of additional services and cost sharing. Taffel and her husband, now her second husband, have added to their wealth and shared the burden over the past decade.

She said, “It seems crazy.” “The ex-boyfriend is not friends with the ex-husband, but through me everyone is very friendly.”

This approach, in the era of cybersecurity concerns, points to a tricky issue when love goes wrong: How to deal with logins?

According to Harold Li, vice-president of ExpressVPN, nearly 8 out 10 Americans in a relationship share passwords on almost every digital platform from social media to email to cell phones to mobile wallets.

He said that sharing passwords in the digital age is a sign to trust and affection, similar to the gift of a jacket or a swap of school locker combinations. It may seem romantic at the time, but it can be a serious threat to your privacy that even the most intimate relationships require.

He recommends that relationships ending in a romantic or friendship relationship be restructured digitally.

Sisi Cronin (33), a Napa, California resident, is still logged into her college boyfriend’s Netflix account with her own profile. Despite not living near one another, they are still friends despite having parted ways at 23.

He sent me a funny message three years ago saying that Netflix had decided to limit the number of people who can be on its service. Would you like your own Netflix account? I replied that I didn’t want to. She said that they haven’t spoken about it since. “When you have all these subscription platforms, it’s best to not pay for them all yourself.

Nick Leighton, host of “Were You Raised by Wolves”, discusses how changing shared passwords after a breakup can be equated to returning the sweater that was left behind by an ex.

He said, “Be aware that when someone discovers that their login is no longer working, it will be a clear reminder of that the relationship has ended, which could cause hurt feelings.” It can be uncomfortable to ask someone for their password in a relationship. Therefore, it is better to wait until they are willing to share than to make them feel embarrassed. Sharing passwords could be a violation of the terms and conditions.

Things don’t always turn out well after a breakup.

Change the password. Nobody wants to find out that their ex has just watched “The Notebook” on Netflix. It can stir up all kinds of emotions,” stated John Capo, assistant professor of communication at Lycoming College in Williamsport.

“Were they thinking of me when they watched it?” With whom did they watch it? What was the point of them being awake at midnight? Do you remember when we used to watch “The Notebook?”

Brian Penny, 40 years old, is from Tucson, Arizona. He doesn’t want to let his ex go on HBO Max or Hulu.

He said that she was struggling with work, and that it didn’t cost her anything. However, it did show her name since she added herself to the profile. “I wonder what my next girlfriend thinks about seeing my account with another woman’s name. It’s either a friend or a cousin, I have already concluded.

Hari Ravichandran (founder and CEO of Aura digital safety provider) noted that password sharing is common among some but cautioned against it.

He stated that password-sharing was a way for consumers not to pay for multiple services. Consumers don’t realize that this behavior makes them vulnerable to digital criminality if others outside of your household, even those you trust, have your passwords.

Researchers discovered that there are many reasons why people continue to stream after a breakup, including convenience, financial concerns and post-breakup friendships. There is a downside to this: A vindictive ex can create a profile to get a current lover interested or cause problems with the algorithms that display ads and suggest viewing. One person shared that the ex’s parents logged in to one of his sites for over two years, even after their breakup. He then sent them a gift card as a thank you.

Chandler Sterling, Los Angeles, shows up on Netflix and Hulu as a “guest” profile. This is a reference to a long-term girlfriend. For access to sports, he also uses the cable TV subscription of his parents with his Apple TV.

He said, “Yes, I am 34 and yes, my salary is over six figures, but I won’t pay anything if it doesn’t make sense.” My ex never confronted me directly about my Hulu guest profile. She changed the profile picture of the guest account to reflect the character from Lucifer on Netflix. I believe she is sending me a message about her feelings. … I feel absolutely guiltless about all the cloak-and-dagger mooching.

Penny stated that he was not sure when or if he would get rid of his ex.

He said, “Our relationship didn’t end well at all.” “I believe a part me leaves it alone, so she leaves it alone. It’s worth it for peace of mind.