The squid game caught millions of people across the planet by surprise. The Netflix series, focused on the fate of a perverse contest in South Korea, became a phenomenon that led to various adaptations, including a real mirror program recorded last year in England. A series that took advantage of classic Asian childhood games, turning them on their heads and turning them into murderous traps.

The idea was originally planned for a single season, but both the production team and the streaming platform were very surprised with the results. It took a while to confirm, but the creation of a second season was finally made official, which will premiere this year. The unknown, however, was the time window in which it will end up arriving. A question that has already been resolved.

Lee Jung-jae, actor in charge of playing the protagonist of the series, contestant number 456, has revealed the release date before a definitive confirmation is made. “It will be released in December,” the interpreter briefly commented during an interview for The Business Insider portal. Despite the lack of posters or exact date, the Korean production has enjoyed life beyond its main product.

One of the formats derived from the series was the contest The Squid Game: The Challenge, where 456 British participants faced challenges similar to those seen on Netflix, also having to live together, trust or betray the other members in order to have a chance to win the prize. The journey was tough for several participants, with two of them in particular determined to file a lawsuit against the production company.

The show, released last November, was filmed at Cardington Studios in England, and according to legal representatives their clients suffered “hypothermia and neurological damage as a result of the poor health and safety standards on set.” The first test, ‘red light, green light’, lasted hours and was recorded in temperatures so low that “one player’s hands turned purple.”

“The contestants thought they were participating in something fun and the injured did not expect to suffer as they did,” Daniel Slade, executive director of Express Solicitors, a British law firm, said in a statement. For his part, executive producer John Hay assured that all pertinent security measures were taken, although he acknowledged that the day of recording was cold and long for everyone.