Every morning Hablando claro is in charge of bringing current affairs to the viewers of La 1 de Televisión Española through Lourdes Maldonado and Marc Calderó. Both presenters are in charge of introducing a wide range of topics, from more serious matters to the lighter ones, going so far as to experience completely surreal moments on set.

This Thursday, Calderó starred in a fun scene by presenting a most peculiar museum: the Museum of Broken Relationships. The presenter, who couldn’t hold back his laughter while reading the ‘cue’, made the usual collaborators present on set lose their composure, flooding the moment with laughter.

The funny scene took place when presenting the section ‘Which are the weirdest museums?’, through which Calderó presented the Museum of Broken Relationships, a very particular space located in Zagreb (Croatia). Laughing, the presenter pointed out: “It was created to overcome those relationships that seemed to last a lifetime, but no, they came to an end.”

Meanwhile, the screen on the set displayed the objects that are part of the museum, among which are sexual objects, wedding dresses or underwear, causing Calderó to take a moment to address the team in a sarcastic tone asking: “ But what is this please?

Far from stopping there, the program gave way to another totally unique space, the Reykjavík National Falotec, causing the presenter to laugh again, who once again pointed out: “Hey, please, I can’t believe it.” Calderó excused her reaction, making it clear that she had not read the report before the program, while her partner Lourdes Maldonado decided to cover her face while she had a fit of laughter.

It is not the first time that Marc has starred in a funniest moment on the set of Hablando claro. Last March, the program received Isidro, a 76-year-old guest who dealt with the phenomenon of sharing a flat during the elderly. Faced with the possibility of sharing a flat with both presenters, the guest pointed out: “I would also live with her, I don’t know with you, I see you as too gulf”, unleashing laughter among those present. “They just called me a gulf on air, I can’t believe it…”, said Marc with a smile from ear to ear.