Diana of Wales was and is one of the most beloved faces in the history of the British Royal Family. That is why sixteen years after her death, she continues to be the focus of much information. It has now emerged that Stephen Davies, Lady Di’s chauffeur, who 30 years ago was accused of leaking information about his client to the press, has been compensated for false information that was published about him in the past.

Three decades later, the BBC admits that the accusations were invented, since they were part of the deceptions it used to achieve the conversation with the ex-wife of Charles III. This was broadcast in November 1995, specifically on the Panorama program. Samuel Rowe, representative of the public broadcaster, apologized this Tuesday before the High Court in London. “The BBC accepts that the allegation made about the complainant was and is wholly false and should never have been made, and that it constitutes an attack on the complainant’s reputation both personally and professionally,” he said.

Samuel Rowe concluded by saying that “the allegation was likely to cause the Princess of Wales to doubt the plaintiff’s loyalty and professionalism and may well have contributed to the plaintiff’s dismissal six months later.” Following these statements, Stephen Davies, for his part, has revealed in a statement through his lawyers that he feels relieved to have been able to clear his name after this deception that he suffered a long time ago.

It should be remembered that Davies was fired “without explanation” in March 1996, just over a year before Lady Diana’s death. During his years of service he maintained a close relationship with the princess. However, after the termination of his contract, he was “tormented” by all the speculation about his alleged betrayal of his client, whom he held in high esteem.

After everything that happened, the driver took legal action against public television. The step was taken after an independent investigation by former UK Supreme Court judge John Dyson came to light, which claimed the BBC had covered up “misleading behaviour”.

According to the man cited, the British public broadcaster “did not meet its high standards of integrity and transparency” by obtaining that interview that would change everything, in which Diana of Wales said that her marriage was made up of three people (insinuating the disloyalty of Charles III with Camilla). Now, Stephen will be compensated with 23,000 euros, in addition to the legal fees paid by him in his defense.