Kiko Matamoros has been the protagonist this Monday afternoon in Sálvame due to the worrying images that his partner, Marta López Álamo, has uploaded to social networks. This news adds to the rumors of a rapprochement between the television collaborator and his daughter Anita Matamoros, with whom he currently barely has a relationship, and which he himself has denied.

The Telecinco program has taken advantage of the information to reveal a letter that the young woman wrote in 2011, when she was only 10 years old. In it, little Ana expressed her deepest love for her father and that contrasts greatly with the family situation that exists between the two at this time.

At first, the collaborator has been reluctant to talk about the relationship he has with his daughter, since it is “something that she asked for at the time.” However, he has valued the meaning that his children have for Matamoros: “I love them all exactly the same, they have been close, far… Or they have not been. But in any case, I have not forgotten them any day of my life , and I love them and I will continue to love them until I die,” he said.

Kiko has carried out a certain self-criticism indirectly: “If they can’t love me, I will have done something to make it so,” he commented before the cameras of Sálvame. Belén Esteban has mentioned the “happy face” of the collaborator in the photos of her with Anita, superimposed on the screen, which “it has been a long time” that she has not seen in him.

Matamoros has continued to value the general relationship with his children, without specifying Ana: “With them I have had a closeness that I did not have before, and a trust and a relationship that did not exist before, and that I owe to Marta,” he continued saying. about his partner, lamenting that “he owes it to Marta” because of his “own inability for not having achieved it” himself.

“Marta, a huge kiss, because I thank you very much for what you have done for me, and to the extent that it has benefited my children or has made them feel better, then I thank you doubly,” Kiko Matamoros concluded between sobs, completely devastated.