The controversy continues. During Holy Week, the TV3 program Està Passant received a great deal of criticism after carrying out a satire on the image of the Virgen del Rocío. The most varied sectors cried out against the program to the point that the Spanish Foundation of Christian Lawyers has filed a complaint against the presenters of the program, Toni Soler and Jair Domínguez. Now it has been Judit Martín, the actress who played the renowned virgin, who has spoken out about the controversy that has engulfed the Catalan chain.

As we have been saying, the ‘gag’ aroused a large number of negative reactions, especially in the political and television sectors. One of the most forceful was the presenter Ana Rosa Quintana. “It has no pu ** grace. It is xenophobic with Andalusia, discriminatory and violates the deepest beliefs of the people …”, expressed the communicator in her own program, which occupies the morning slot on Telecinco.

Many personalities have spoken on the subject, and, how could it be otherwise, so did the two presenters of Està Passant. Domínguez, in an interview with El Matí de Catalunya Ràdio, revealed that he had received death threats after the satire was broadcast, while Soler demanded an apology on his own program from those who had accused him of “disparging” the Andalusians.

However, who had not yet spoken was Judit Martín, the actress who played the Virgin, one of the key people in this whole matter. Finally, she has done it in Col·lapse, also a TV3 space. The actress revealed to Ricard Ustrell that she prefers to stay out of this media and social uproar. “The decision has been super voluntary. I don’t want to talk. I want to stay out of it,” she said in the aforementioned program.

Despite the fact that there has been a large amount of criticism, Martín acknowledges that there have also been people who have sent him good opinions. “Obviously, things have come to me. Bad, but very good too,” said the actress, who also did not want to generate more controversy than already exists. However, the program continued to talk about it.

Another guest on the program, the journalist Natza Farré, did want to express her honest opinion about all the fuss. “This that humor is the big problem that we have in humanity seems very cynical to me on the part of those who use it. Maybe it is beginning to be the moment to focus on the real problems and let humor do its job,” said the communicator. . Undoubtedly, the scene will continue to give a lot to talk about in the coming weeks.