The ideological link of Ana Rosa Quintana with certain political sectors is not a dish of taste for others. So much so that United We Can, in the voice of Victoria Rosell, the current government delegate against gender violence, has charged the journalist with a photograph on her Twitter account.

Specifically, through a publication in which you can see four photographs of the 8M demonstration that took place in Madrid. Among them, one of the presenter of the Telecinco morning program, who, with her most stamped look, attends a message on a banner.

“She would go to the terf demonstration. Don’t be Ana Rosa, put yourself on the right side of history ”, reads this banner shared by Rosell on her Twitter profile. Precisely in said message, the politician alleges that the 8M was “a magnificent demonstration”. “Thank you all for this day of feminist vindication and above all for the work and awareness of every day.”

However, these words, specifically this shared banner, Joaquín Prat did not like at all, who soon cried out against the United Podemos policy on the program. “TERF is an Anglo-Saxon term that refers to Transphobic and Exclusionary Radical Feminists,” he explained.

And that is precisely why the presenter of El programa de Ana Rosa has not given credit when considering that “it points directly to the presenter of this program.” A reality before which Prat has ironized: “It is something that we all know: Ana is deeply transphobic and exclusive.” That is why he wanted to subtly but appreciably emphasize that “this is a photo that is rescued by none other than the Government delegate.”

That is what has surprised him: that a political position of such magnitude places in his personal protest the figure of such an influential media face as Ana Rosa Quintana. However, as Joaquín Prat has pointed out, “targeting” journalists “is common, we are used to it.”