After learning that Isabel Pantoja would have decided not to attend her daughter’s upcoming wedding, the singer has been quick to deny, in the first person, this information. The news broke this Tuesday when Antonio Rossi told The Summer Program that he would not have even “raised it at any time” since there was no relationship between them.

The first to speak about the matter was Isa Pantoja herself in the same television space, assuring that she did not know anything about her mother’s attendance or not at the ceremony. “I don’t know if my mother will come. Of course I would like it and I hope so,” she explained to Patricia Pardo. The wedding will take place on October 13 and Isabel has not yet received the invitation from her daughter, according to herself.

This information has been expanded by José Antonio Avilés in Así es la vida. The Telecinco collaborator is following in the footsteps of the tonadillera in Gran Canaria, where he returned to the stage just a few days ago. There, he has been able to learn first-hand Isabel Pantoja’s opinion on her daughter’s wedding.

“Isabel herself tells it on the balcony of the hotel where a camera colleague is and where I am below. We have the images and the video but we cannot broadcast it because it is a balcony of a hotel and it is a private area, she says: ‘As Isabel who calls me, I’m going to my daughter’s wedding,” Avilés confirmed live on Tuesday afternoon.

The reporter went on to explain why the images they had obtained cannot see the light. “That conversation exists, and it is there, which is why I, what I’m talking about, is because I know it first-hand. What happens is that there are things that we cannot show, because in the end it is a private site,” he qualified.

Sandra Barneda, presenter of Así es la vida, could not hide her astonishment at what Avilés had just told and suddenly interrupted him. “You’ve woken up, you’ve just woken up! You have us there, I think it’s the low tension of the beach that I see you darker every day, and suddenly, I don’t know if you’ve had a coffee or something to make you feel better.” raise the tension, that suddenly you tell us this scene, “he replied.