Sometimes all a person needs to see their life renewed is a good change in hair style, to feel that satisfaction of fulfilling the impulse to wear a different style or dare with a more striking look. The way to achieve a greater impact is to change the natural color of your hair, which is why dyeing your hair another color is usually the preferred way for many people to achieve that long-awaited change. However, the option of applying a hair dye also brings with it many questions.

Although there are those who prefer to go directly to a specialized aesthetic center to put themselves in the hands of professionals, there are also other people who opt for adventure and trust in their own abilities to do it on their own. With the disadvantage of not having advice or experience. And that’s when doubts arise and mistakes are made. The most common during the high temperature season is none other than: is it advisable to dye your hair in summer?

Yes, it is possible to dye your hair in summer. However, no, it is not the best time to do it. The main reason is that dyed hair has a series of specific needs in terms of hair care, to ensure that it remains in the best possible health conditions. And, of course, looking good in relation to that new color. The key to the matter is that all these demands that dyed hair entails increase and become more complicated during the summer, due to different external agents.

In the case of wanting to change your look and dye your hair during the summer months, you will have to be very aware of all the precautions and extra care that you will have to undertake. Dyed hair has two needs that hair with its natural color does not have: first, to protect the coloring so that the tone remains in good condition for as long as possible; the second, to ensure the health of the hair so that it is not affected by the chemical products of the dye. During the summer, this is compounded by the effects of the sun and the water from the pools and the beach.

What is the problem of swimming in the pool with dyed hair? The copper present in some of the products used to clean and maintain the pool, which can alter the color of the hair. To avoid this, it will be essential to shower after leaving this, every time. And, in the case of blonde dyes, use a mattifying violet shampoo once a week. As for the beach, the enemy is salt. It will also be essential to rinse the hair well with water every time it comes out, to remove the saltpeter. These two conditions, together with the action of the sun, which it is advisable to keep at bay using physical sunscreens, such as hats, cause the color to change or fade much faster if these cares are not applied.

Another key aspect has to do with the hydration and health of the hair, already affected to a greater or lesser extent by the action of the dye. Therefore, it will be essential to exercise extreme caution and care to keep it nourished with specific products and oils.