Winter is a season in which plants enter into that lethargy or rest that comes to an end in spring. From there, the cycle starts again, but changes in temperature, air currents and the action of the sun’s rays can compromise their well-being if they are not given proper care. To enjoy beautiful and resistant indoor plants in spring, it is important to know what each one needs.

Contrary to what happens with outdoor plants, those found inside houses have not been able to go through a process of adaptation to these seasonal changes. Therefore, they will have to be helped until the environmental conditions are more stable. This will also depend to a large extent on the type of plant in question, so knowing its care is essential.

As anticipated, one of the key points when it comes to caring for indoor plants in spring has to do with avoiding sudden changes. Caution should be taken when exposing them to the sun, since the hours of light and its intensity are greater than in the winter months. An excess could seriously affect the plants.

Another of its enemies during this season is the wind, that is, the air currents, since they help to promote this imbalance in the environmental conditions that harms the plants so much. After all, you always have to try to make them as stable as possible.

One measure to help plants is to provide them with extra nutrients with specialized fertilizer. This way they will be able to develop and grow stronger, in addition to becoming more resistant to all these seasonal changes. It will be especially positive for those species that begin their flowering.

You also have to be careful with irrigation and not get carried away by the mistaken belief that a rise in temperature can cause you to need more water. This could be applied to the summer season, but not in spring. And, in any case, the requirements of each type of plant must be respected. A universal way to find out if a plant needs water will be to pay attention to the substrate. If this is dry, it is convenient to water.

Another care that should be given to plants in spring is pruning. Removing dead leaves or branches that are dry will help them grow and put out new shoots. In addition, this practice is especially relevant for those plants that have suffered a frost, since they should not be pruned during the winter.