This Saturday, May 11, the Malmö Arena in Malmö (Sweden) hosted the final of Eurovision 2024. This edition was one of the most controversial in recent years, since Israel’s participation was not very welcome among the rest of the delegations. due to its conflict with Palestine. Precisely, one of the countries that was most critical was Ireland. Her representative, Bambie Thug, starred in a performance that did not go unnoticed, and Iker Jiménez could not help but comment on it through social networks.

The Cuarto Milenio presenter did not miss a single detail of the gala and wrote several messages on X and Instagram, where he highlighted his reaction to Bambie Thug’s performance. The representative of Ireland performed an eye-catching show on stage with her song Doomsday Blue, which means ‘Blue Doomsday Day’.

With this title, it was to be expected a staging with somewhat ‘infernal’ touches. The performance caught the attention of all of Europe, who catapulted the proposal to the front places, finishing in sixth place. Iker Jiménez couldn’t help but comment on it on social networks. “Europe, Light of the West. There is no doubt. It’s blatant, listen,” said the host of The Ship of Mystery through a publication on his Instagram profile.

“Those who talk about Paganism, Celtic cults, Wicca hehehehe. Anyway. In my house they have hundreds of books about it. This is nonsense that has not been documented in archeology or anthropology or anything else. It will be Instagram Wiccan Celtic paganism. What you have to hear”, expressed Iker Jiménez.

“What is repeated are concepts like Instagram, which are nonsense. These experts have studied little. They put on Cernunos-like horns without knowing who it is, and those fangs, confusing with the rural horrors of Eastern Europe – especially Bulgaria since the 17th century – it doesn’t matter. It must seem cool and transgressive to them. Very spiritual. They have read little about the subject, it seems,” he stated, critical of Ireland’s performance.

For Iker, Bambie Thug deserved a 0, as he confessed on X (formerly Twitter). Later, on this social network, when the artist and her team were celebrating a good score awarded by one of the participating countries, she shared a new image that she decided to call ‘EuroAkelarre’. “If the old Celtic god would raise his head… For what we are left with,” she expressed.

But these were not the only comments that Jiménez published throughout the night. At the end of the festival, the presenter acknowledged having had a great time interacting with his followers. However, what caught the most attention was the geopolitical key, as he calls it, that is in the background. That is why the presenter is considering analyzing this in his programs, Cuarto Milenio and Horizonte.