Tamara Falcó could not be happier. In just a few months she will become the brand new lady of Íñigo Onieva, after a relationship full of comings and goings where they have made love triumph. A wedding that they are planning in detail, and that has made them the protagonists of the year.

A being in the spotlight that Tamara has great, accustomed to being in the spotlight since she was born; but that her fiancée wouldn’t get along so well. This is how she has shown it in her last run-in with the press, which took place shortly before midnight on Thursday.

The future Marquis de Griñón was walking one of his dogs late at night when he met reporters and cameras from Europa Press, who wanted to know what he thought of the statements that Tamara had made in El Hormiguero about his singing voice as wedding planner.

However, the engineer exploded as soon as he saw the reporters: “Turn off that light, please, it’s a nuisance, everyone is here, please turn off that, it’s a pain in the ass!”, he exclaimed, before ask them to stop bothering since it was almost midnight: “You are with flashes in the middle of the night, what are not hours, go home!”.

A reaction that surprised the professionals present, given the kindness with which the businessman always answers the questions that are asked every time he goes out into the street.

Onieva’s anger is justifiable, given the hours in which he was asked by the press. However, the character profile that Tamara Falcó is implies that she will have to get used to this level of interest on the part of social chronicle professionals.

A reaction that was given by Tamara’s statements shortly before, that she is delighted with the organization of what promises to be the link of the year. Above all because it is her future husband who is taking care of everything, apparently: “Íñigo decides everything, everything. He loves to organize,” he said in El Hormiguero, where he collaborates every Thursday, “We agree a lot, but it bothers. He has not decided my dress because she hasn’t seen it”, she added between laughs.

What he has not given his opinion on is the choice of the priest who will officiate the ceremony, Father Cruz, and his dress. This will have the signature of Sophie et Voilà, a Spanish firm based in Bilbao, as will the restaurant of the award-winning Basque chef Eneko Atxa, who will be in charge of the event’s catering.