Bend over and notice how your pants tear. Many have gone through this hassle, sometimes due to the quality of the garment or a factory defect, other times due to its aging and excessive use. The last to suffer this was the model Joana Sanz, who wasted no time in publishing it on social networks and pointing out the firm as the culprit of the embarrassing episode.

“Thank you Mango for the quality,” the model introduces in an incendiary story in which she explains that she has only been able to wear the jeans once.

“I was wearing them for the first time and I was left with half my buttock sticking out when I bent over,” continues Sanz, angry at the little use she has been able to give to the new piece.

Although it is not clear why the piece broke without apparent misuse – it is likely that it had a factory defect or that Sanz herself had bought a small size – the Catalan firm has not given any explanation for the moment and the episode has remained a simple anecdote.

Furthermore, although Mango’s policy does not allow exchanges and returns if the garment is in poor condition, it is likely that in a specific case like this, upon finishing wearing them, the firm will allow the model to exchange them for new ones.