With the arrival of the cold, we have to say goodbye to certain items of clothing that have accompanied us during the summer season. Some pieces of our wardrobe make the cut for the wardrobe change: the t-shirts stay, although now we will cover them with sweaters; The long pants that you left for cool summer nights will now be your best fall allies.

But there are some items that inevitably have to go to the attic or the back of the closet, since you won’t need them again for a few months. This is the case of swimsuits. These garments are very delicate and we use them a lot in summer, exposing them to sand, chlorine from the pool and sunscreen, which can deteriorate them quickly. Therefore, if you want to take care of them and have them last impeccably for the coming season, you have to know how to store them correctly.

To do this, we strictly follow the recommendations of an expert in home order and cleaning, Bego, better known on social networks as @la_ordenatriz. Recently, she shared with her 1.2 million Instagram followers how we should store our bikinis and swimsuits so they are perfect next year.

It is imperative that swimsuits are very clean when we store them. But often it is not enough to put them in the washing machine, as they present certain more resistant stains that we must focus on.

First of all, if there are traces of sand in the swimsuit, Bego recommends stretching the lycra well, spreading talcum powder and rubbing with a soft brush to eliminate every grain present on the fabric. In the case of yellow stains from pool products, simply soak the swimsuit for two hours in cleaning vinegar or any white vinegar, whether wine or apple vinegar. After that time, wash the garment normally.

Another recurring problem in bikinis and swimsuits are sunscreen stains, which are especially difficult to eradicate. The solution is to pour alcohol and rub the garment carefully. Repeat the process as many times as necessary until you see that the stain disappears. Finally, wash the swimsuit.

Beño emphasizes that swimsuits must be completely dry when storing them. To prevent rubber and lycra from sagging, sprinkle talcum powder on these seams. Finally, do not store them in plastic bags, as they have to breathe. Instead, he uses white tissue paper. With these guidelines, when it’s time to rescue the bikinis and swimsuits you will find them like new.