It is well known that, to follow a healthy diet, it is necessary to reduce fat consumption and opt for cooking methods that use little oil, such as grilling, baking, steaming, air frying… But, from time to time, when, we resort to the occasional consumption of denser and fatty foods, with the occasional fried food.

Not in vain, there are traditional recipes in Spanish gastronomy that are difficult to resist, such as stews. And also certain foods whose flavor once fried cannot be compared with other alternatives, such as French fries or croquettes, to name a few examples.

In this regard, sometimes we go a little too far with the oil when cooking, or with some other ingredient with a high fat content, such as the meats that are added to stews and stews. To achieve a healthier version of these recipes, reducing excess fat, there are a few very simple tricks that you can use.

Let’s start with the basics, reducing excess oil when frying any food. The first step you should take into account is that the food must be as dry as possible, since excess moisture promotes greater oil absorption. Therefore, dry the potatoes or vegetables first with absorbent paper before frying them; remove ice stones if food is frozen; or coat the food in flour to prevent it from absorbing oil.

Another key tip is to fry small amounts of food in small batches, instead of overcrowding the pan or fryer, as this amalgamation will favor the absorption of oil. Not reusing oil is also important to combat that excess fat in your dishes.

Finally, when you remove the food from the oil, strain it with a metal strainer and put kitchen paper on the source or plate you are going to use, so that it finishes absorbing the rest of the oil.

If we are talking about other types of recipes beyond frying, such as excess fat in a stew, there are several tricks to opt for. They all have one element in common: the cold. When it cools, the fat separates from the food, forming a film that makes it easier to remove.

You can pass an ice cube over the surface of the stew, you will see how the fat adheres to it and is removed without problems. If you are afraid to add water to the preparation because of the ice, you can use a ladle that you have cooled in the freezer, or wrap the ice cube in kitchen paper.

Finally, you can choose to let the dish cool to room temperature and then a few hours in the refrigerator. The layer of fat will solidify on the surface and you can remove it.