The microwave is one of those appliances that we use several times a day to make our lives easier. Heating the milk for the first coffee in the morning, heating the food that we prepared the night before when we got home from work, preparing an infusion before going to sleep… It is a device that we give a lot of use to.

Precisely for this reason, it tends to get dirty regularly, due to food splashes, the accumulation of grease and bad odors. So, we must not neglect cleaning the microwave. Not only for a basic question of hygiene, but because its dirt can interfere with its proper functioning and reduce its useful life. To this we must add that if your microwave smells bad due to dirt or because you have heated some food with a strong odor, this could be transferred to the next food you heat, spoiling its flavor.

Ideally, clean the microwave at least once a week. As well as immediately when we see that it has been stained with something. To do it like a real professional and make it flawless, take note of the following tips.