The reconstruction of the murder of Edwin Arrieta at the hands of its confessed author Daniel Sancho is taking up hours of television. In fact, the networks even use non-verbal language specialists to discern whether the cook is lying or not, and even how he feels at all times.

However, And now Sonsoles has been able to have exclusive access to the woman with whom Sancho was after allegedly killing Arrieta. A young woman who does not see the cook as “dangerous” and provides new revealing information about him about the young man’s future hours after the events.

This is revealing testimony in this case. Above all, because the young woman who speaks, despite hiding her face, is the woman with whom Daniel Sancho was for several hours after supposedly murdering and dismembering Edwin Arrieta.

In fact, when the Spaniard was arrested, this woman contacted him on Instagram, showing interest in him. “I asked him if he was okay, and then he told me that he was okay, that he was alive, but that his life was over,” she said, still not understanding the significance of what happened. Later, she would learn that Sancho had been accused of murder.

The events shocked the woman, because for her, despite the few hours she had spent with the confessed author, he was “very sweet, kind and delicate.” Apparently, and this was issued this Tuesday by And Now Sonsoles, her opinion was based on the conversations they both had until he was arrested.

In those talks, Daniel Sancho opened up to her and explained his romantic situation. On the one hand, he told her “that he was the first of her group of friends to get married,” but also, “from what I could understand, he wanted to be married.”

In this sense, “he told me that he was with his ex in the Seychelles and in other places and that it was very nice to have a travel companion.” In this regard, Sancho never spoke to her about a girlfriend or anyone in particular, “not now,” the woman insisted. Therefore, at no time did Edwin Arrieta’s name come up.

On the other hand, the woman also recalled that the cook’s behavior was very normal, despite the fact that he had allegedly just murdered and dismembered a man. They bathed in the sea, continued with the talk… The only nerves she saw on her part were due to her age.

“He seemed to be more nervous than me and the other girl, but that’s because he’s very young,” she justified. Before saying goodbye, Sancho and the young woman exchanged their social networks to continue maintaining contact. Hours later, the Spaniard was arrested accused of murdering Edwin Arrieta.