Genoveva Casanova could be excited again after the scandal with Federico of Denmark

Frederick X of Denmark is already king of the Nordic country along with Mary Donaldson. An event that seemed like it would take a while to happen, given the popularity of Queen Margaret II, but that has been carried out after her surprising abdication. A decision that some media outlets suggest has been made since February 2023, but that others claim has been made after the royal scandal.

The photographs of the current Danish king and Genoveva Casanova walking through the streets of Madrid set the press on fire at a national and international level. For this reason, according to Luis Pliego, director of Readings, it would have been Queen Mary who would have given an ultimatum: “Either we are kings now, or this is over.”

After blowing everything up in the air, Genoveva Casanova decided to disappear and take refuge from speculation and criticism. “She is completely isolated, even bordering on paranoia. She does not answer her friends like before, she does not even behave normally. She is suspicious of everything and everyone,” people close to the Mexican actress’ circle assured Vanitatis.

However, just after the proclamation of Frederick X as king of Denmark, the socialite reappeared on her social networks with a strong message. “I want to live a great life. I want to experience everything. I want to break every single rule there is. They say ambition is not an attractive trait in a woman. Maybe, but what is attractive? Waiting for something Come on?” read the video he uploaded to his Instagram stories.

Although everyone initially thought that it was a message addressed to the Danish monarch, it seems that this would not be the case. Carmen Borrego assured in Let’s see that this publication would go to someone else: “Genoveva is no longer thinking about the king of Denmark.” And Genoveva Casanova could have a new dream. Something that has made him overcome the bad moments experienced these months.

Following this information, Pepe del Real has set to work to find out the truth behind this possible new idyll. After speaking with several sources, he has assured that “they have seen her on several occasions going out to dinner, sharing evenings with a man.”

And that man would be “a person who has been advising him throughout this crisis.” The same sources assure that she “has been seen having dinner, accompanied by a person who belongs to her team, but that they were not professional dinners. They looked more like romantic dinners.”

After this update of the events, the program’s collaborators have put on the table that it is strange that this comes out now, given that she has been missing for everyone. Without a doubt, the Genoveva issue will continue to give a lot to talk about.

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