RTVE’s efforts to guarantee the transparency of all its processes are bearing more and more fruit, although some data and information continue to be kept with a certain degree of secrecy. One of the aspects that tends to raise the most blisters in the public entity is the one related to the salaries received by the presenters of their television channels, a source of controversy on certain occasions.

The corporation remains somewhat jealous of such information, although it is required to provide it under its own transparency law. For this reason, the Público newspaper has been able to access the salary of 15 of its most recognized faces during the year 2022.

The different caches of each presenter are evident in the great inequalities between salaries that have been known. Thus, the comedian Eva Soriano is in the lead with a salary of 11,000 euros per program of La noche D, a production already cancelled.

Very close to her are the presenters of MasterChef (Jordi Cruz, Samantha Vallejo-Nágera and Pepe Rodríguez), who pocket 10,000 euros for each delivery of the culinary contest, which has become the star production of RTVE for some years. They would be the great faces of the public entity, since the third position, that of Javier Ruiz at the helm of Las claves del siglo XXI, drops to 5,000 euros per program.

The singer Alaska, current presenter of Cine de barrio, is the next in the ranking with a salary of 4,000 euros per program, followed by the actor Santiago Segura and his Viaje al centro de la tele, for which he receives 2,200 euros for each of your deliveries.

At the tail of the salaries known by Público are María Gómez and Sara Escudero, presenters of the also canceled Enredad@s, with barely 500 euros per program; and Cristina Fernández, a regular substitute for Anne Igartiburu at the head of Corazón, who earns less than 400 euros per delivery compared to the 1,550 that the regular presenter of the program receives.