Telecinco continues to prepare its programming for the new television season, which will start next September. Some of its main novelties have already been confirmed, such as the debut of Ana Rosa Quintana in the evening slot with TardeAR, the new mornings of Ana Terradillos and Joaquín Prat in La mirada crítica and Vamos a ver, and the return of Jorge Javier Vázquez with Cuentos Chinese. However, one of his big bets will be in prime time.

This week Mediaset has started the recordings of El musical de tu vida, a new format that will combine the renowned artistic production with the talk show, with the weekly guest as the protagonist. In each program, there will be an in-depth interview that will be accompanied by surprise musical numbers, whose objective is to highlight outstanding moments in the life of the visitor. A concept that will be accompanied by important names.

The space will be presented by Carlos Sobera, and will have a stellar cast of honorees, which the Fuencarral chain has been in charge of advancing in a statement. Among the figures that will pass through the set are Miguel Bosé, Ana Obregón, Tamara Falcó and Paulina Rubio. A mere preview of the complete cast, which will allow them to tell very different stories and complement their lives with the most varied musical pieces.

These choreographed performances will be produced and performed by professionals from the theater world, and will cover different stages of the life of the guests. From their most intimate moments, to the most outstanding and special ones, going through some unexpected ones that the participants did not even have in mind. Those in charge of the musical interludes have long careers in the industry, although no specific name has emerged.

The program is a Mediaset co-production in collaboration with Globomedia, owned by The Mediapro Studio. It is an adaptation of The musical of your life, a Belgian format released in 2021 and which swept the screens with a 36% audience share in its first season. While in Belgium it has already accumulated its third year of broadcasting, Germany will soon jump on the bandwagon along with other countries, such as the United Kingdom, the United States or Australia.

The musical of your life will be one of the main names in primetime on Telecinco for the 2023/2024 season. In the same way, one of the guests in this new format will also have a leading role in the night slot with Bosé, the SkyShowtime biographical series that the Fuencarral chain bought for free broadcast. Along with these premieres, the triumphant return of Big Brother VIP is added in its eighth edition.