There are many women who have a weakness for bags. This accessory is essential for everyday life and there is a wide variety of models on the market to adapt to all styles, from an XL design to carry the tablet and agenda for work, to a mini one for going out to the party.

Every season, luxury and low-cost brands put on sale their handbag proposals that are successful in street style. Many girls opt for a more exclusive design with a price that is not suitable for all budgets, but there are others who prefer diversity and buy several to change during the week at brands like Parfois. The Portuguese company has established itself as a reference brand for women, including style prescribers such as Lucía Bárcena or Laura Matamoros, who want to have varied models in their wardrobe. These are five proposals, for less than 26 euros, that are worth it:

In recent years, bags that include a smaller bag on the handle have triumphed. A fashion that is still current with designs like this shoulder bag, called Everyday, which has two zippered compartments and a removable pendant on the handle. A versatile and sophisticated model that has a price of 25.99 euros.

The Barbie pink that was seen so much last year will continue to sweep this 2024. The brand proposes showing off this tone in a nylon bag with a magnet closure and adjustable and removable shoulder strap. It is perfect to go out to eat with friends or go shopping. It costs 17.99 euros.

It is an ideal option for those girls who are looking for a medium-sized bag in which they can carry their agenda and tablet to go to work. This design has three divisions: main division with zipper and the others with magnet closure. It also has an interior zipper pocket. The detail that makes the difference is the multicolored pendant. Its price is 23.99 euros.

Shoulder bags are one of the favorite models of It girls for their comfort and versatility. It is usually worn crossbody and works for any time of the day, in addition to being very easy to combine. This model, available in various shades, costs 25.99 euros.

The brand continues to support the trend of removable hanging bags with designs like this black tote bag, with a zippered main and back compartment. It has a pocket with zipper closure and a small yellow leather bag that provides contrast to the design, which incorporates an adjustable shoulder strap. Its price is 25.99 euros.