The Grévin Museum in Paris, known for its prestigious collection of wax figures, has caused a stir on social networks after the presentation of its wax statue of Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, due to the notable difference in skin color with regarding the popular actor. The controversy caused Johnson to speak out and express his desire to “update” the figure, focusing especially on correcting the skin tone that is far from his own.

The actor, who had previously expressed his enthusiasm for the wax figure, decided to address the issue after a comedian, James Andre Jefferson Jr., shared a monologue mocking the statue in question, comparing it to David Beckham. Johnson took the situation with humor and announced his intentions to improve his figure, promising to have a drink with her the next time he visits Paris.

The Grévin Museum, which rarely adds new figures to its collection, selected that of Dwayne Johnson through a public vote in which users chose the actor with 48% of the votes. The statue replaced that of former Russian president Vladimir Putin, removed after the invasion of Ukraine. The current controversy highlights that even the most prestigious museums can make mistakes.

After the controversy, the museum spoke out, ensuring that they recognize the problem and are committed to solving it as soon as possible, sending new photos of the figure once the modifications are made.

Dwayne Johnson is not the only celebrity who has expressed discontent over the lack of resemblance in his wax figure, but his humorous attitude towards the matter has been well received by his followers and shows that sometimes, a sense of humor is the best answer. .