Without a doubt, it is one of the most outstanding topics of the last weeks. The son of actor Rodolfo Sancho, Daniel, is in provisional prison in Thailand after having confessed to the murder and dismemberment of Edwin Arrieta Arteaga, a Colombian surgeon with whom he was on vacation on an island in the Asian country. The case has had a great impact in the media, something that has not been very funny to Frank Cuesta, who exploited his networks. After this, Diego Arrabal has charged against the television.

Since Daniel Sancho’s case became known, many media outlets have contacted Frank Cuesta to find out more details about Thai justice. It should be remembered that the naturalist knows Thai justice and prisons firsthand, since he had to fight for more than six years against the word of the judges of the Asian country, who sentenced his ex-wife, Yuyee Intusmith, to 15 years in prison. for allegedly carrying 0.005 grams of cocaine.

However, Frank has not liked anything that the media have contacted him about this matter. “Great media blackout of the premiere of Carretera Salvaje… Now, to talk about the instagramer, stabber, dismemberer… they have called me from all the televisions and newspapers… What a fucking disgusting!” He said a few days ago. After these statements, Diego Arrabal decided to answer him through his YouTube channel and charged Cuesta without any consideration.

The youtuber has charged against Frank’s attitude and has even accused him of receiving money from the Thai government. “It seems that the Thai government has hired the greatest public relations to defend them before the entire world,” said Arrabal. “Frank has entered into an outbreak”, according to the paparazzi, and assures that it is because the media “have not paid attention to him for a new project that he has on YouTube”.

“It is that it is attacking the whole world, without going any further, we have even received it. That I question the images of the supermarket, as a photographer, I think that is within the normality of my work,” says the also youtuber . “Frank Cuesta is trying to get everyone to talk about him. To say that the police must be respected, that the Spanish media are not respecting Thailand…”, he complained.

Arrabal shared with his followers several headlines that reflected how Frank Cuesta pointed out in the past to the Thai police, an authority that he now defends. This would not quite fit the journalist, and the television speech would not finish convincing him. “I have not said this, you have said this, Frank (…) That the police are corrupt in Thailand, you have said it, Frank. I am surprised that now you have become the spokesperson for the Thai government,” Diego declared.

The case of Daniel Sancho has had a great media impact in our country. Vicente Cacho, a member of the Spanish embassy in Thailand, assured this Friday that the chef is interested in the media repercussions that the case has had in Spain, so it is expected that he will soon be able to give a statement to the press. “He is aware of what he has done,” Vicente expressed. “Perhaps he will eventually consider making a statement to the press,” he said. A repercussion with which Frank seems to disagree.