Let’s see, Telecinco’s new morning program has debuted with new details surrounding the murder of Edwin Arrieta: Daniel Sancho, detained in Thailand, has collaborated closely with the authorities when recreating the crime scene.

The new magazine has had exclusive access to the images where Daniel Sancho, together with the Thai police, visits the place where Arrieta died and was dismembered into several parts. During this tour, which took place at the beginning of August, the detainee explained in detail the confrontation with Arrieta that led to his murder.

In addition, he described the method he used to distribute the lifeless body in garbage bags. “I was there … and I started to put it in bags, but in black bags. I didn’t look at what I put in each bag. Edwin’s money was in his backpack,” Sancho said.

Surprisingly, in the middle of this reconstruction, he asked permission to brush his teeth, something unusual considering the circumstances in which he found himself. But this was not the only request that he had to make to his Thai companions.

The local authorities wanted to thank Sancho for his collaborative attitude in the investigation, even allowing him to shower. This shower occurred in the same place where Sancho ended the life of the Colombian surgeon.

Those in charge of the investigation of the case point out that this type of concession is made to the suspects to gain their trust and promote collaboration.

The Spanish cook has maintained a cooperative behavior since the beginning of his arrest, providing the authorities with essential details to reconstruct the events of the fateful day. In fact, Sancho stressed his desire to continue helping in the investigation. “I have behaved well, I want to collaborate with you. I want to continue behaving,” he added during the process.