One month is left for Sálvame to say goodbye forever to all its viewers. The Telecinco program will close its doors on June 23. A piece of news that left all his collaborators shocked, who claimed to have found out about the decision at the same time as the rest of the world.

But despite the fact that the decision to end the program by the new leadership of the chain has not been a dish of good taste, both the presenters, the collaborators and the behind-the-scenes team will carry out the remaining programs with the utmost enthusiasm, in which they will not fail to show their so characteristic essence.

But although it seems that they have already assumed that the program ends at the end of June, some other collaborator still had things to say about it. One of them has been Chelo García Cortés. The journalist has remained silent throughout this time, but in this afternoon’s program she has broken her vow of silence

“I consider that it is one of the biggest business aberrations to suspend a program like Sálvame,” he began by saying. “I don’t know the allegations that my colleagues have made, but I do know what people say to me on the street, I do know what my colleagues have done at very important moments and perhaps I have not done it because I have spoken less, but you are so wrong,” the journalist declared.

The journalist suddenly sat on the ground and continued recounting her allegation. ”You are so wrong that the public not only loves us but is giving us more audience every day. I don’t know if we will go to the congress, I don’t know if we will go to the Community of Madrid but you know one thing, you don’t know what television is. This is television!” assured the Sálvame collaborator.

Some words that provoked a huge applause from the public, while his companions began to dance in the middle of the set for the great words he had said. But the journalist had not finished and she still had things to tell the Mediaset managers. ” Everyone to the bus to tour the whole of Spain ”, she commented.

”My colleagues have not asked for a vote for 14 years, we have had the public vote, sometimes more, other times less. You politicians who don’t know how to do politics there with you on 28 ”, he affirmed. Kiko Hernández could not believe what she was hearing and confessed with a laugh: “What are we going to do before because of the allegation?” The journalist concluded by saying that at her age she is not afraid of anything and that she “says what she wants”.