Carmen Machi's shocking speech about "mothers who hate their children" sweeps away: "And isn't it the other way around?"

Carmen Machi is one of the most recognized actresses nationwide. The Madrid native, who has 30 years of professional career behind her, managed to gain the public’s favor by playing Aída García in the series 7 vidaes and Aída. After her, numerous more roles came to her that consecrated her.

With the arrival of Eight Basque Surnames, her popularity grew even more and she went on to win the Goya for Best Supporting Actress. Even so, it seems that she does not want to pigeonhole herself into comedy roles and she has embarked on the project of The Messiah, where her role as his mother with messianic delusions has made her reflect.

And her role in the Los Javis series and her play Nuestros Actos Occultos, where broken family relationships are addressed, has made her not hesitate to express her opinion on motherhood. “Not always a woman dares or has the strength or let’s call it ‘x’ to say, really, I have never had the intention of being a mother,” she began to relate in La Hora Extra.

As she has expressed, she believes that a mother cannot say “my daughter was the product of an accident and if I had not had a child it would have changed my life.” Something that “is very difficult to pronounce” and that “we are not socially prepared to hear it or say it.”

His reflection has continued and he has assured that although a son can hate his mother, and verbalize it, that a mother can hate her son “is not conceivable, or, at least, it is very shocking.” With this it is clear that she does not think it is good that a woman cannot tell her son “I don’t give a damn about you.”

Some words that he believes “should be reviewed” in order to improve in the future. And, as expected, this thought has generated a multitude of comments, both negative and positive.

“It is not conceived, but it exists. And it is very traumatic for the son or daughter,” said an X (Twitter) user. “A child has not decided to be born, a mother has to be conscious of what she does. For that reason alone she can reproach her if that child is suffering because she did not have a choice. The mother does,” responded another.

And although there are many who have assured things like that “this lady has little real world,” support has not taken long to arrive. And there are many women who have applauded the actress for daring to enter this debate. “Bravo, it’s about time mothers tell the good and bad things about motherhood,” said one user.

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