Carmen Lomana explains excitedly why she has no children: "I would have loved it"

Carmen Lomana’s life has not always been light and coloured. This is how she remembered it this Thursday, March 9, at Espejo Público, where she regularly collaborates. There, in the morning program of Antena 3, the businesswoman has not hesitated to remember one of the toughest bumps in her life.

Specifically, everything arose as a result of his explanation of why he has not had children. Something that was not a personal decision, since she “would have loved it”. However, “I had many problems and after the ectopic pregnancy I had, I almost died.”

The situation was such that a doctor decided to make a final decision for her. “I had a doctor who went crazy and decided to remove both my tubes,” Lomana then recalled, who was very emotional and hurt when she remembered this episode in her life.

And it is that, as he pointed out, the comments of certain people without really knowing their history are not always a dish of good taste. Therefore, she explained: “People say to me: ‘How come you have not had children? They have come to tell me that if it is to take care of me ”.

However, nothing is further from reality. “Don’t ask impertinent questions!” Lomana then requested, who asked not to have “to tell them that a doctor cut both my tubes, and then go from one doctor to another for fertilizations.”

That is why this issue touches television very closely. So much so that he asked his colleagues on the Telecinco morning show not to reintroduce the subject. He thus sentenced him: “Don’t talk to me about children, because I almost started crying. It is a matter of mine and personal and I do not want to break ”.

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