Carla Vigo, Queen Letizia’s niece, has revealed this Wednesday on her social networks that she suffers from bulimia and that she has been hospitalized in recent weeks for this disease. The daughter of the deceased Érika Ortiz wanted to talk about the difficult moment she is going through, since she has been diagnosed with a disorder related to self-perception and distortion of body image.

After a few hours of posting this video on his social networks, his Instagram account has been deactivated. “Group therapy helps me a lot. I went to the family doctor and they sent me to the psychiatrist,” Vigo explained about his treatment. “My support has been my friends and my family. I also support myself in dancing because it helps me not to think about anything and to take care of everything,” she added.

A few weeks ago, on the anniversary of his mother’s death, Vigo paid tribute to him on his social networks. The Queen’s little sister, Érika Ortiz, took her own life on February 7, 2007. Her death was a very hard blow for the Ortiz family and for the royal family, but above all it was for little Carla, who was orphaned. mother at the age of 6 years.

Vigo has attracted the attention of the media since she came of age for her small forays as a beginner actress in theater and audiovisual projects, for the few interviews she has given to gossip magazines and for her posts on social networks. She tried her luck as a youtuber and on more than one occasion she has complained about the hate she receives.

As Vigo has always said, he maintains a good relationship with his best-known aunt and with his cousins, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofía. Before losing her mother, at the age of 4, she was one of the pages at the wedding of the Kings.

After the death of Érika Ortiz it was Carla’s father, Antonio Vigo, who took care of her. She lived in Aranjuez, at her father’s house, for several years. He is a doctor in Fine Arts and has always been very discreet with the media despite the attention he arouses for being Letizia’s ex-brother-in-law. In recent years he has only been seen supporting her daughter in her theatrical debut. It is known that he works as a sculptor, that he teaches at the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, that he rebuilt his life with another woman and that he gave Carla two sisters.

Érika Ortiz was found dead at her home in the Valdebernardo neighborhood, in Madrid, by her then sentimental partner. She was born on April 16, 1975 in Oviedo, being the third daughter of Jesús Ortiz and Paloma Rocasolano after Letizia and Telma. Her death caused great commotion and a large part of society expressed solidarity with the pain of the then princess of Asturias, who was very close to her little sister and received this fatal news in the sixth month of pregnancy of the second pregnancy of her