If Bertín Osborne is in the spotlight after the birth of his son with Gabriela Guillén, waiting for the paternity test, Bárbara Rey is also in the media center for one of her children. The devastating words that Ángel Cristo Jr. dedicated to his mother a few weeks ago blew everything up in the air. Among other things, the star’s son assured that she was “the real nightmare” during her childhood.

Some statements that fell like a bucket of cold water on the singer. Since then, her low mood has been seen on several occasions. “She is being seen by a cardiologist. She fainted in a shopping center the other day, they found her lying in the bathroom and they took her to the medical services,” said Sofía Cristo in Espejo Público a month ago.

All this has ended with Bárbara Rey plunged into depression, as she herself has confirmed. Something that has caught her attention due to her last appearance on stage singing Cardboard Puppets. Given this, she herself has taken it upon herself to make it clear that this problem affects each person in a different way and that she has to continue working.

“When I am on stage for me it is very important. It is my job, it has been my profession and it is,” he began to tell Europa Press. And it is not the first time that something similar has happened to her. “I have been on stage in many moments of my life feeling very bad and that is something that I have never let it be seen,” she stated.

Through his statements he has put on the table that feeling bad physically and psychologically “is complicated.” “There are times when you overcome them and there are times when you fall apart,” she snapped.

Given these words and the reaction of the people, Sofía Cristo wanted to come out in defense of her mother. Sitting on the set of Espejo Público, the star’s daughter has assured that Verónica Forqué did not notice her depression until the last moment: “Didn’t she seem great when she appeared in her last Deluxe?”

In turn, he asks to knock on wood so that his mother “gets well and recovers.” But there is something she wanted to say “loud and clear.” And she is not going to allow bad things to be said about Bárbara Rey. “Everyone who has slandered us, who has insulted us, who has disrespected us, who has invented things, is moving forward and I am firmer than ever,” she stated forcefully.

“We are suing everyone, and if you think it’s a joke, great, because many are going to have to work the rest of their lives for us. I say this loud and clear: we are suing everyone,” she concluded. . Some words that are more serious than ever, and that is that he is not going to allow anyone to doubt the state of health of his mother.