2023 is being a year of changes for Belén Esteban. The one who was the star worker of Mediaset España closed a stage of more than 14 years last Friday, June 23, just when the last program of Sálvame diario was broadcast.

The different collaborators of the television space dedicated to the gossip press had a very hard time with the decision of the new leadership of the communication group to put an end to the tabloid program “to give a new image to the channel,” since they didn’t expect it. Everyone found out about this news through other media when they were live on Telecinco, so it was a real shock.

Some of the workers of the La Fábrica de la Tele format were very lucky to be invited to record a docurreality with the Netflix streaming platform. A few weeks ago, Víctor Sandoval, Kiko Hernández, María Patiño, Kiko Matamoros, Chelo García Cortes, Lydia Lozano, Terelu Campos and Belén Esteban headed to Miami to participate in this project and upon their return to our country they declared that they were “exhausted”. but very happy.

Although they all shared the same feeling of satisfaction for a job well done and the illusion of having made the leap to the famous platform, Esteban’s arrival in Spain was marked by controversy, since many media outlets claimed that he was going through a tough crisis. marriage with her partner Miguel Marcos.

Although the one from Paracuellos quickly refuted the information that claimed that she was distanced from the toilet, shortly after it was published that several journalists had witnessed a shouting match between the couple in the middle of the street.

To put an end to the rumors and gossip that had been circulating for weeks, Belén Esteban published a beautiful carousel of photos from her vacation in the Dominican Republic on her Instagram profile.

In these images you could see the mother of Andrea Janeiro enjoying a few dream days full of sun, beach and good times with her husband, so her millions of fans understood that everything was fine between them.

If with the vacation photos it had become clear that they do not have any kind of problem and that they are not going to separate, Esteban has uploaded another photo to his official account of the audiovisual platform to show that he is better than ever with the man with whom he has been four years married.

In said snapshot, in which only she and Miguel Marcos appear happy and content in the sea, you can see the great complicity they have. To title the publication, Esteban has resorted to a word that defines the strong bond that she has with her husband: “Love”.