Ana Obregón remains in Miami waiting to be able to travel back to Spain with little Ana Sandra, a transfer that they will undertake together as soon as possible and that could take place between the end of May or the beginning of June, as the actress has commented.

This Thursday, one month after the birth of little Ana Sandra, Obregón wanted to celebrate the special appointment with two images of the little girl on her Instagram profile. “In the end, love always triumphs. Happy birthday 1 month Anita.

From some distant star your dad hugs you. Congratulations my Aless, our book is inspiring many people. Above all your example of life and love “, she has written in the publication celebrating the double triumph that her book is becoming a bestseller.

Obregón’s best kept secret since the death of Aless Lequio had been this last will to become a father, a wish that has returned Ana Obregón’s smile after months and months of mourning. “Nobody in the world can doubt that when a mother buries her child, she has to fulfill her last will,” she said to justify herself after the criticism she received.

The book El chico de las musarañas has also come out this week and the finishing touch to the story has been the book that Aless Lequio began to write before he died and that Ana Obregón has finished to raise money for the foundation that bears the name of his son.

This Thursday Alessandro Lequio has also broken his silence on social networks with an image in which the television collaborator and his son appear along with the text “Always walking in the same direction”. This public statement has been seen by many of his followers as further distancing from Obregón’s actions, who, for many, would not be respecting the privacy wishes that his son Aless practiced in his life.