The first words of Ana Obregón on Telecinco have served to clarify more details about her maternity, such as the fact that little Ana Sandra already has a passport: “They are going to send it to us now”, the biologist has assured in a few words from Miami to the Mediaset chain.

On the other hand, he has been forceful with the criticism he has received from Spain for having resorted to surrogacy: “Do you know what my girl says? That to foolish words, deaf ears ”, he commented, making it clear that she will not enter the debate.

He has also insisted that “in the end love always triumphs” and that “this little thing has the right to live”, referring to the baby Ana Sandra, only a few weeks old and already under the total care of Ana Obregón for the streets of Miami while he takes her for a ride in a cart.

The details about the name of the little girl have also been left up in the air: “Call her whatever you want, that doesn’t matter to me,” she assured, given the possibility that the baby could be legally called Ana Sandra Lequio, since It has been engendered with the sperm of the deceased son of Ana Obregón, Aless Lequio.

Precisely about Alessandro Lequio, father of the deceased, he explained that “everything is phenomenal” and that he is celebrating the success of his book: “We celebrated it by taking little walks and changing diapers”, he highlighted very happily, because he considers the work as ” a tribute to my child and that gives a lot of peace”.

Ana Obregón has spoken for the first time about her motherhood to Telecinco in tonight’s special presented by Santi Acosta and in which a reporter was able to find her in Miami while she was walking little Ana Sandra.