Isabel Preysler is going through one of the hardest moments of her life. Although she tries to give an image of a strong woman who has fully overcome her breakup with the Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa, it seems that the situation is becoming more complicated due to the media coverage of the case and the rudeness of her ex. To this has been added the death of Laura Boyer, a misfortune that has fueled the headlines about the bad relationship that Boyer had with Isabel Preysler.

The celebrity is on everyone’s lips. This Wednesday we saw how his ex, the singer Julio Iglesias, appeared on the cover of the magazine Hello! talking about how unfair people are being with Isabel: “I’m putting myself in a shirt of eleven rods and that this is not like me, but I want to do it for my ex-wife, because she deserves it and because it is deeply unfair how they are behaving with her. Isabel is an exceptional woman.” Shortly after, Tamara Falcó thanked the artist for these statements and told the press that Julio “had always been a gentleman.”

This defense of Isabel Preysler has been joined by her daughter, Ana Boyer, who took advantage of International Women’s Day to upload a photo with her mother to her official Instagram account and thus show the world how proud she is of the woman she has by his side.

”For us, her children, she is the woman who inspires us every day and whom we admire like no other. We love you so much and thank you for being so exceptional,” the content creator wrote in the text of the publication.

Another cause that is causing great discomfort to Preysler is Laura Boyer’s posthumous interview where she insinuates that she is to blame for the distant relationship she had with her sister, Ana Boyer.

In the interview, Laura was comfortable talking about the businesswoman: “She is a hyper-possessive person”, “Isabel took my father away from us”, “She worried from a very young age that Ana did not care for us or my brother nor to me”, assured the economist to the magazine Semana.

Ana has uploaded this photo with her mother at a time when all eyes are focused on the socialite due to the recent death from cancer of Laura Boyer, Ana’s sister, who got along really badly with her wife. of his father, Miguel Boyer.

This bad relationship has continued even after Laura’s death, since Isabel Preysler would have opposed fulfilling one of her last wishes. Laura Boyer wanted to be buried next to her father, but Tamara Falcó’s mother flatly refused. As reported in the Fiesta program, the businesswoman said no through a letter: “Once she passed away, Preysler and Ana Boyer sent their condolences to Laura’s children in writing, but they also answered her request with a refusal.” The reason would be that Miguel Boyer is buried in a family mausoleum belonging to the Preyslers that Isabel pays for.