Alessandro Lequio is one of the most prominent characters in the social chronicle in Spain. In recent months, the Italian aristocrat has been in the media spotlight after becoming a grandfather through surrogacy to his late son, Aless Lequio. A decision made by his ex-partner and mother of his son, Ana Obregón, and that has generated a great stir in our country. Despite all this commotion, the television collaborator makes time to share content on social networks. The last publication that has been uploaded to his Instagram profile has not gone unnoticed, since he appears on the beach, posing in a swimsuit.

It is a photograph of the television collaborator on the beach, shirtless and in black and white. He seems to be practicing sports. “Galifornia”, he wrote, along with his now characteristic hashtags ‘less forever’ and ‘lequiocity’. The photograph has surprised his followers, who are not used to this type of content from Alessandro, but rather to family photos.

The publication has sparked a large number of comments, among which it stands out that the television channel wanted to call what looks like a beach in Galicia ‘Galifornia’, in a play on words that its followers have not overlooked. “California would like to look a little like Galicia,” said a follower of the aristocrat. “It’s good to see you enjoying Galicia,” said another Internet user. Others, for their part, wanted to highlight his image. “I keep saying that you’re still a ham,” says one user, hinting at how well the collaborator is keeping himself.

Alessandro is now enjoying his day to day life and his work. Although three years have passed since one of the hardest moments of his life, Alessandro still regrets having lost his son Aless, a pain that will probably never go away. It was May 13, 2020 when Ana Obregón and Alessandro said goodbye to their son, who had been fighting a long illness in recent years.

It was a rare type of tumor with a poor prognosis: Ewing’s sarcoma. Since then his parents have been working to continue his legacy, and it is very common to see how both Ana and Alessandro remember him on their social networks. In recent months, the focus has been on the former couple, who has been the protagonist of some exchanges of statements after the birth of Ana Sandra, biological daughter of her late son. Some differences that seem to be resolved because they are both united by respect, love and admiration for her son. And for them, Aless was and is everything.