“I can’t take it anymore,” Elena Rodríguez assured just a few hours ago. The words of her daughter, Adara Molinero, had made her relive episodes that she believed they had both left behind. Her fault, the interview that the influencer had given to Lecturas magazine, in which she, in addition to showing her new home, took the opportunity to talk again about her childhood traumas.

Adara remembered again how she had needed “a lot of therapy” to get out of that, and how she was going to give her son a different education from the one she received so that he would not experience similar situations. Something that made her mother react sadly, assuring that she had “hit rock bottom” after her harsh words; and worrying her followers. However, Adara herself has confirmed that her mother is fine, and that there is no problem between them.

Despite the commotion generated by the new statements by the reality contestant about her traumatic childhood, Adara assures that nothing happens between her mother and her and that everything is as usual.

The interview, in which, in addition to his home, he talks about other topics, only mentions the subject in glancing, but ended up being the headline on the cover. A headline that opened a whole debate and positions between mother and daughter on whether they should reopen this issue; and that the influencer took the opportunity to make a request: read the full interview and not keep the headline.

Adara also took the opportunity to clarify that everything was fine with her mother and that the interview had not meant anything negative in their relationship.

“Nothing happens between my mother and me. Everything is fine, ”she clarified, showing an excerpt from the interview that one of her followers shared with an image that can be read:“ [Her mother of her] She is the most important thing in my life along with my son. She is my best friend “.

A clarification that calmed the waters among the followers of the former Survivors contestants, after the alarms generated by Elena’s words just a few hours before.

The viewers of Survivors 2020 will remember the confessions of Elena Rodríguez, who admitted to having suffered mistreatment by her parents and her ex-partners for years. In this regard, her daughter, Adara, told how she had lived through those years, especially by an ex-boyfriend of Elena who “destroyed” her and who physically assaulted her on several occasions, as well as her brother. Author of her. “My brother and I were always quiet. Just looking at me scared me. He would hit me where he would not leave marks”.

A past that both had left behind, with a lot of therapy, and that seemed to have returned with Adara’s words. Luckily, it seems that things have not been like that, and the relationship between the two is the same as always.