Makoke, the ex-wife of Kiko Matamoros, has not missed the opportunity to express her opinion about the recently celebrated wedding of Kiko and Marta López Álamo. Through a video for the Fiesta program, Makoke has offered a speech that leaves no doubt about her feelings towards the new married couple.

Makoke, who a few days ago shared the cover with the woman from Granada, stating that she will be a grandmother again thanks to her son Javier Tudela, has continued to express her feelings, always with irony, in the video: “I am sad and regretful. I have missed the wedding of the year. It has been devastating. Right now my dearest ex-husband, Marta and he are newlyweds and I have missed it. I trust and hope that now that you have put God and the church as witness, it was not a lie, because if no, Kiko you will be in mortal sin”.

“Piece of actor, they had to give you an Oscar,” Makoke said, addressing Matamoros with palpable anger. But she has also been direct with the 26-year-old model, to whom he has said: “I wanted to address the brand new wife: I hope the same does not happen to you.”

In addition, she has thrown some hints at Marta about what awaits her as a woman from Matamoros: “I hope that on your wedding list you have asked for earplugs. I hope that you have already filled your freezer with a lot of chicken and a lot of vegetables to make the porridge which I gladly stopped doing five years ago”.

But the hardest blow has been reserved for last, when speaking directly to the collaborator, who will be out of work after the end of his Save me program on June 23: “I hope your honeymoon has started on the right foot, not like mine, although you are going to have a lot of free time now to enjoy”. However, despite all these words, he has wished them “absolute happiness” because he has “no reason to wish them badly.”