Last installment of the week in First Dates. In today’s program, Carlos Sobera welcomed Medha and Imad. She is from Zaragoza and is 25 years old. She thinks that at first she gives the impression of being quite serious because she has a hard time smiling. ”She seems a little more edge,” she claimed. She was adopted when she was little and she doesn’t remember anything from her country of origin. In love, she has not had any luck and she is looking for someone who values ​​her. ”I don’t think I’ve ever been in love,” she would say.

Imad is 23 years old, is from Morocco and has been in Spain for 19 years. ”I laugh at everything,” she declared. The first impression of the bachelor has been quite good. ”He looks like a super nice guy,” declared the single woman.

The date began with both singles getting to know each other a little better. Medha said that she works in a communication company and Imad sells furniture, a profession that makes her very happy. ”I liked her outfit, I like that they are dressed up,” Imad said. Medha was telling him that she is adopted from India. He told her that she was from Morocco and that they could go there on a trip. ”Do you know how I seduce? I loose a lot of jokes. And between joke and joke, the truth appears,” said the bachelor.

Medha does not have a prototype of a boy, something that has seemed good to Imad. He asked him if he believes in couple love. She answered yes, but everything can end. Imad for her part made it clear that she did not believe in love. The single woman did not want to tell him about her experiences in love. ”Something hidden,” said Imad.

The appointment seemed to be going in the wrong direction. Imad believes that Medha was not opening up and that has been a barrier for him. Both continued the date in the photo booth to see if the ice would break. In the game of the balloons a situation came up that neither of them was willing to carry out. “You’re not going to give me any kisses, I’m telling you,” the single woman said bluntly. “I’m left with such a bittersweet taste,” Imad said.

Already in the final decision, the two have agreed that their appointment was not going to end in a happy ending. He explained that she did like him but he saw that she didn’t want to open up to him. She agreed with him but she said that this was not going to contribute anything. Therefore, the two, not wanting to open up, have not been able to find the spark of love.