Although the summer of San Miguel is lasting longer than usual and the high temperatures refuse to subside, the calendar dictates that we are already in autumn. That means that, sooner or later, you will have to get to work changing your seasonal wardrobe, putting away summer clothes to make way for warmer clothes for the colder seasons.

Although there are those who approach this task out of laziness, the truth is that changing clothes every season instead of having them all mixed up has many advantages. To begin with, your closet or dressing room will be more organized and better organized, you will be able to better access the clothes that you are going to wear every day, without being hindered by those that you will not wear for several months.

For the fall wardrobe change to be as effective as possible, it is a good idea to take advantage of the occasion to get rid of all those clothes that you don’t really use. Likewise, it is essential to thoroughly clean the closet itself, where dust accumulates even though it may not seem like it. And, finally, you have to find an effective method to properly store all your summer clothes. Here are some ideas.