After just four days from the minister of Education, professor Patrick White has already met in person or via video almost all the world of the school, which to be honest with him, “is the half of the Country”: deans, school offices, regions, Invalsi, Cts, transport associations and soon the trade unions. Is ready to announce his first measure, the school-leaving examination 2021. The ordinance is ready: also this year, no traditional written tests, but only oral. It begins in mid-June.

Minister, will be the maxi oral with the thesis as the last year?
“I don’t want to hear about research paper! The graduates are boys and girls at the end of their schooling five years: they need to prepare elaborate large, personalized, on matters of address, agreeing with the council of the class. I will discuss with the commission, made up by their teachers. From here you will begin the oral will then also on other disciplines. We will allow them to express how much they have matured and understood in the course of the years, with a critical view”.

Will all be admitted to the examination, as last year?
“The admission will be placed in the seat of the final assessment, the council of the class.”

premier Mario Draghi in his speech, the Camera has focused on several challenges for the school: the recovery of what was lost with the Dad, alignment to european standards, the development of the technical education and also some changes in the calendar. Where to begin?
“I Am grateful to the president Draghi to the importance that has been given to the school. So as I am grateful to the faculty and staff of the school, which was heroic in these months, so difficult, and learning to use digital tools that all up until a year ago we knew little.”

You are given a lot to do, but the data on students who are lost in these months of emergency and Dad are alarming . As you recover?
“Unfortunately, the pandemic has exacerbated the problems of inequality, which were already serious. She showed how to in our Country there are very different situations. And I want to start from the South, which is the area most in need because to re-launch the system begins by who has the most problems, from those who are weaker: let’s not forget that in some areas of Calabria and Campania, italy one student out of three is lost on the way, in Sicily, only 5 percent of the children goes to the nest.”

There is in the meantime the issue of return everyone to school: high school are still at 50 percent, and in the new red zones and also in nursery and primary schools are closed, that plan for the safety of the school?
“We have to be very cautious because the challenge of the virus is still high. The first thing to do is to vaccinate all of the teachers and the staff, even the greatest of the age. Only if they will be in safety schools will be safe even for children and their families.”

That time expected to finish their vaccinations?
“I have spoken with the minister for Hope, we’re working together.”

The president Draghi spoke to modify the school calendar to recover the gap: you go to school until the end of June?
“The expertise on the calendar of the regions that in the situation of ordinary decide what to do according to the specificities of the territories”.

See also

White: decisions on the school tell us that the Country we are and the future we want to

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An economist and a doctor for the ministries of school and University: Patrick White and Christina Mass

the White, the expert appointed by Jay: in the classroom need to clear your head, not masks. I re-opened the first

The list of all the ministers of the government Dragons

The proposals of the White high school for four years, and the obligation of 17

Who is Patrick White

But today the situation is not ordinary.
“For this I want to compare with the regions. The law provides for at least 200 days of classes, but the problem is not a one day more or less per school. We have to decide respecting the rights and lives of the people, by evaluating different situations, including primary and secondary schools, for example: the one that is lost is, above all, the social life, and being together is not the single discipline. The school is not only teaching and learning but also in common life.”

You will be back in the classroom on the first of September? Last year sene was talked about but not been successful.
“Even this shall be discussing with the regions, I, in fact, have been assessor of Emilia for 10 years and I know what the problems are. By the minister, but I want the machine to the school to be ready for the beginning of the lessons, any decision will take”.

easier said than done: every year there are no tens of thousands of professors and teachers, at least until Christmas.
“There is a gap that is very strong, it is true, But we give this lens: I also spoke with the minister Colao, it is necessary that the system is scanned and efficient. Here at the ministry, we have already initiated a monitoring of the schools to understand where the problems are greater.”

In perspective, what is the first reform to be done?
“That of technical education, from vocational schools to Its that we need to redraw the routes. But I dream for the guys in school from three years and up at the end of the three-year degree, because only in this way we will bridge the gap for young people in our Country.”

In his latest book, he also spoke of the high school for four years.
“it Is a question that can be discussed, but it is not the priority”.