Denouncing a ” behavior in the colonial of the French government “, the mp in France insubordinate (BIA) of The Meeting Jean-Hugues Ratenon has brandi, Monday, November 26, at evening, a yellow jacket at the tribune of the national Assembly. The session dedicated to the new reading of the draft budget 2019 to the social security has, therefore, been briefly suspended.

Mr. Ratenon was originally scheduled to defend a motion prior to rejection of the draft budget, which he called ” the law of social insecurity “. He took the opportunity to be at the forum to draw up a long indictment of the policy to The Meeting.

On the island, ” the concept of liberty, equality and fraternity is totally ignored by the arrogance of power, the corruption of the elected officials here or there, and by your lack of humanity, you are the deputies of the majority “, a-t-launched it under the protests of the elected officers. At The Meeting, which runs through a ” social crisis intense “, “the big help the big, no one using the small,” -he said.

also Read “yellow Vests” : the economy of The Meeting asphyxiated by seven days of blockages