
"Many whites felt that Obama was taking away their power"

November 2008. Barack Obama wins the election and a large part of the population of the United States takes to the streets to celebrate....

Sánchez and Feijóo launch into another tense electoral duel on 9-J

“There is no color,” Pedro Sánchez warned yesterday, once again dressed in his campaign suit. “I prefer the Europe of Pepe Borrell, Nadia Calviño...

The PP aspires for a third victory to consolidate the Feijóo era

The PP has set its goal in the European elections on June 9 to win for the third time over the PSOE in elections...

Israel will prohibit the Spanish consulate in Jerusalem from providing services to Palestinians

The Israeli Foreign Minister, Israel Katz, announced this Friday that he has instructed to cut the connection between the Spanish Embassy in Tel Aviv...

Tomàs Molina will try to have TV3 participate in Eurovision if he is a...

The meteorologist and ERC candidate for the European Parliament, Tomàs Molina, stated yesterday that “in his first 100 days” he will work for TV3...

A vignette that is an editorial

On the 16th, our admired humorist JL Martín published a cartoon in La Vanguardia that has the category of an editorial, where a couple...

Albiol accuses some officials of “touching noses” and causing municipal paralysis

The mayor of Badalona (Barcelonès Nord), Xavier Garcia Albiol, assures that there are City Council officials who “are pulling their noses,” while there are...

Monologues, is it better alone?

Playwrights who want to premiere a play know that the number of performers is essential for the project to move forward. Producers and programmers...

Sánchez now clashes with Netanyahu in setting the date to recognize Palestine

"The time has come to move from words to action", warned Pedro Sánchez before the full Congress. And the president of the Spanish Government...

"Today's world leaders are short-sighted and selfish"

How is the leader barometer?We are in a terrible leadership crisis. Everywhere we go, leaders fail to address the core issues.What problems?Inequality and the...

Aragonès sees the welfare state at risk without new funding

Airs of change at the Economic Circle, where the outgoing president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, and the presidential candidate with the most options,...

The socialist Núria Marín will leave the mayorship of l'Hospitalet on June 15

Núria Marín will leave the mayorship of the Hospitalet de Llobregat City Council, which she has held since 2008, on June 15, as La...

What does it mean to recognize Palestine?

Spain, Norway and Ireland will recognize the Palestinian state next week. Since the beginning of the war in Gaza, on October 7, several countries...

The colonial past that mobilizes Dublin

Ireland boasts of being the first country in the European Union to call for the creation of a Palestinian state, and the last to...

Oslo agreements and the Nobel in memory

Norway will recognize Palestine as an independent state on May 28, in a highly symbolic geopolitical move agreed with Spain and Ireland. "There can...

Feijóo exhausts parliamentary channels in the offensive against the Executive

The PP believes that the five days of retirement that Pedro Sánchez took in April were not used to reflect on his future, but...

What are the Spanish playing on 9-J?

Just a month ago, the Eurobarometer produced by the European Commission ranked health and the economy as the main issues that Spaniards expect to...

Mogherini says EU needs enlargement to gain self-respect

The European Union needs to incorporate two or three states if it wants to regain the self-esteem it has lost in recent years due...

The CEOE accuses the Spanish Government of wanting to "break social dialogue"

The confrontation between employers and the Spanish Government goes up another notch. Gone are the days of repetitive tripartite agreements, among which labor reform...

Habitatge offers to speed up licenses to convince the PP and save the Land...

The reform of the Land and Urban Rehabilitation law promoted by the Ministry of Housing hangs by a thread. The regulation, claimed by the...




Trump UFO Files: Will Debate Include Questions on UAP?

Former President Trump recently revealed that he possesses UFO files, sparking curiosity about whether he would make them public. This revelation has led to...